An Appreciation of Attitude

Do you remember the first time you struggled through a task that you had never done before? I’m talking about the type of things that take concentration when you are learning them, like crocheting, tying your shoes or learning a dance move. Those first few times can feel awkward. What are you to do with … Continue reading

My Present Moment Creating Home

Arriving in destinations where I will be staying for a spell, familiar or new to me, I have a ritual or practice that I go through. I find it always very grounding for me to create a feel of ME in that location so that I have a visual connection to the people that I … Continue reading

Present Moments as a New Adventure

Every moment of everyday is a New Adventure! A present moment adventure… And today’s present moment adventure is best enjoyed in Jammies and a Hoodie.  Being present with the fact that my body, mind, emotions and Spirit need rest. What is your adventure wardrobe for today? Living in the moment can be such fun!  Giggling!